Supplements & Nutrition

Now a $billion industry, the supplements market here in Australia is home to over 170 suppliers alone. Very few gyms or fitness facilities ‘do not’ offer supplements or nutrition as part of their set up and many look to it as a valuable income stream because of its potential profit margins. Find out whats new in supplements and nutrition here.

are sports drinks better than water

Are sports drinks better than water?

Sports drinks can be valuable for athletes and individuals engaging in intense, prolonged physical activity. However, for most people and everyday hydration needs, water is the preferred choice due to its simplicity, lack of added sugars, and overall health benefits. When deciding between sports drinks and water, it’s important to consider your goals and whether […]

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benefits of collagen

From arthritis to injury recovery: The benefits of collagen for joint health

In the overwhelming world of supplements, there’s one buzz word that’d been getting a workout, and that’s collagen. This article will discuss the benefits of collagen for joint health and some of the ways you can incorporate collagen into your diet. What is collagen? What does it do for the body? Are there any benefits

From arthritis to injury recovery: The benefits of collagen for joint health Read More »

gut nutrition system meluka

Overhaul your Gut Health with the 3-in-1 Gut Nutrition System from Meluka Australia

Are you tired of feeling bloated and uncomfortable after meals? Do persistent bouts of gas leave you feeling self-conscious and frustrated? If so, you’re not alone. Digestive issues like bloating and gas are common problems that can significantly impact your daily life, not only affecting your physical comfort but also taking a toll on your

Overhaul your Gut Health with the 3-in-1 Gut Nutrition System from Meluka Australia Read More »

what is creatine

Understanding the benefits of creatine and if it’s right for you.

What is creatine and what does it do? Why is creatine so popular?This is a quick overview of why creatine has held such a long-standing role as the king of athletic supplements. Creatine is a naturally occurring non-protein amino acid providing vital energy to muscles and the brain during high-intensity exercises such as sprinting or

Understanding the benefits of creatine and if it’s right for you. Read More »

pistachio snacks

Your ultimate guide to the best sources of vegan protein

There are many benefits to adopting a vegan or plant-based diet. Vegan diets have been shown to consist of lower levels of saturated fat and cholesterol while also being higher in fibre (1) resulting in a lower risk of developing ischaemic heart disease and some forms of cancer (2) respectively. As larger numbers of people

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Fitness Australia - Eating Disorders - Recommendations for the fitness industry

Launch Of National Eating Disorder Recommendations For The Fitness Industry

InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders and peak industry association Ausactive have launched recommendations for the identification and support of those living with eating disorders in the fitness industry in Australia. Eating disorders have low detection and intervention rates, gyms and fitness clubs are at-risk settings for the presentation of eating and exercise disorders, and as

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Understanding Antioxidants and Probiotics

Understanding Probiotics And Antioxidants

Article updated July, 2023. We’re always hearing claims made these days about the seemingly magical properties of probiotics and so-called super-foods. There’s so much noise in the wellness space that it’s difficult to work out what’s true and what’s just hype. It seems reasonable that fresh, natural foods must be good for you, but what

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The Magic of Magnesium - sid & jac

The Magic Of Magnesium

Also known as the ‘miracle mineral’, magnesium is often forgotten about in the list of essential minerals your body needs for optimum functioning. What you may not realise is that magnesium is required for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body – yep, 300! Magnesium has so much work to do in your body, just so

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7 Ingredients For Enhancing Performance And Reducing Fatigue

By Belinda Reynolds, IsoWhey Sports Dietitian and Nutritionist. Beetroot Beetroot juice is a rich source of nitrates. The salivary glands extract nitrate from foods and the bacteria within saliva convert it to nitrite. Nitrite is further processed into reactive nitrogen species including nitric oxide (NO) in the acidic environment of the stomach. Evidence is emerging

7 Ingredients For Enhancing Performance And Reducing Fatigue Read More »

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