The Robards Method by Tim Robards

Our favourite Aussie Bachelor and wellness leader Tim Robards, looks great for a reason! Tim is a busy man, juggling a family, a career as a chiropractor and has now created an innovative and holistic training program, The Robards Method.

What is The Robards method?

The Robards Method focuses on utilising the weight resistance we all have – our body weight. To see a positive change in our health and physique, we must train at a level that places a controlled amount of stress on body systems including muscles, provoking a beneficial adaption to that stress, in turn making us stronger (i.e. lifting a weight).

tim robards method

How to incorporate The Robards Method into workouts

Robards stopped by to share five quick tips with WNiF readers, on how to incorporate his style of training into your or your client’s workouts.

  • One-legged ‘Pistol’ Squats – These may seem impossible, but persevere and challenge your body by doing 5-10 one-legged squats, instead of doing 50 regular squats. This will develop muscle growth and boost your metabolism. If you initially need some assistance, do a two-legged squat and grab onto something sturdy like a pole to help support as you progress to a one-legged squat or use your TRM rings for support.
  • Elastic Power Bands –The Robards Method (TRM) utilises elastic resistance to create allow beginner to use things like chin-up bars etc more effectively. You can have an effective total-body workout which focuses on strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and cardio. It targets different parts of the body and also tailors to all types of fitness journeys, whether it be for strength, weight loss, yoga, runners, fitness pros or travell You may only be able to do a few pushups on your knees, but with the right progressional exercises and equipment to assist, you will be discovering what your body is really capable of!
  • Dip Bench – Find a bench that’s knee height, lower yourself down until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle, with forearm remaining vertical throughout the move (not pointing backwards). Then lift yourself back up, focusing on keeping your elbows close to your ribs to ensure you’re engaging your triceps. Many people focus on the biceps, but if you truly want to achieve singlet worthy arms, you need to give some love to your triceps.
  • Chin Up Bar – Tim recommends utilising a fixed bar with chin ups rather than a lat pulldown. Both have differences in movements but mainly target similar muscles – strength in the back and biceps. If you are finding these variations difficult, try using a resistance band or a chair to help lift your body weight off the ground. Many people focus on the front of the body but if you have poor posture, your front can go unseen. Working on your upper back and shoulders, not only creates definition but helps you carry yourself taller. If you’re on the cusp of conquering a chin-up and don’t have a band, try using a chair to get yourself chin above the bar, then tag your feet of the chair and lower yourself slowly down. This is called a ‘negative’ chin-up and will build the strength to get you up there yourself without a chair over time!
  • TRM Rings – Gymnastic Rings are emerging in all the biggest gyms at the moment, and although they may be intimidating, they can actually be used by all levels of fitness. The benefit of the rings is their wiggle and instability, forcing the body to build core and upper body strength, whilst enabling you to change how challenging the exercise is with a simple shuffle of your feet. To make it easier, walk your feet one way, to make it harder, walk your feet the other or take them off the ground!
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