Article updated July, 2023.
With a bumper cold and flu season running rife this year, dietitians are urging Australians to boost their immune system this winter by tapping into nutritious comfort foods. According to the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA), focusing on whole foods, including those containing Vitamin C, zinc and protein, can help to boost immunity – a useful weapon in fighting off the germs that cause colds and flu.
2023 Flu Season Hitting Australians Hard
As of 3rd July 2023, more than 137,000 cases of influenza have been recorded across the country this year, with the highest numbers or cases being reported in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria. This flu season seems to be particularly bad for children, with parents of school aged children being urged to book flu shots to offer protection for their young ones.

Photo by Ella Olsson
Good nutrition offering better protection
While healthy eating may not ward off germs entirely, DAA spokesperson Simone Austin said that making nutritious meals a priority in the colder months can reduce the likelihood and severity of colds.
She added that a nutritious diet is particularly important in vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, whose immune systems may already be compromised.
‘Foods high in vitamin C include capsicum, broccoli, kiwi fruit, strawberries and citrus fruit. Zinc is found in fish, seafood, beef and lamb, which also provide good-quality protein. Baked beans and pumpkin seeds also provide zinc. So there’s plenty of nutritious and tasty options. Now that winter has finally arrived, it’s time to enjoy tasty, warming foods that give you, and your immune system, a boost,’ said Ms Austin, an Accredited Practising Dietitian.
Winning Winter Meals:
A nutritious winter diet need not be expensive or complicated. The DAA have a number of simple, yet hearty and nutritious recipes on their website. Here are a few of our favourites:
For tailored nutrition advice on keeping healthy this winter, DAA recommends seeking the support of an Accredited Practising Dietitian.

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