A New Level Of PT Training

Are you looking for a qualification that will allow you to write individualised weight management programs including meal planning, behaviour change as well as exercise? Then the Diploma of Weight Management is a great next step in your ongoing education. The complex nature of weight management places a need within the industry to provide highly skilled practitioners for those clients who present with more complex needs.

diploma weight management

Who is the Diploma of Weight Management ideal for?

This Diploma of Weight Management is designed for individuals who wish to develop the skills, knowledge and experience in planning, conducting and evaluating advanced weight management programs. Advanced practitioners/health coaches have the ability to apply specialised skills and knowledge enabling them to recognise interrelated contributing factors to weight gain to identify program needs and to develop research based programs, underpinned by an educative approach in the concept of the human body as a non-linear and complex adaptive system.

Advanced practitioners/coaches may work in supervisory roles, applying their skills and knowledge to assist team members with the identification of interrelated contributing factors and the development of advanced weight management programs. They may work as individuals in their own business or they may work in organisations alongside other weight management specialists and staff, either as a member of the team or in a supervisory role overseeing the work of others.

Specific titles given to such practitioners may include:

  • Weight Management Specialist
  • Advanced Weight Management Practitioner
  • Advanced Health Coach
A New Level Of PT - Diploma of Weight Management 10698NAT

If you aren’t quite ready to start your studies, you can still take up the special offer and enrol with a deferred start date of up to 3 months! If you are currently studying the Certificate IV in Weight Management you can suspend the start date of your Diploma studies until you graduate.

Want to find out more?
If you are serious about helping your clients to achieve long-term results, then enquire about the Diploma of Weight Management today at the Australian College of Weight Management.

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