Article updated November 2024.
With the increasing popularity of altitude training as an add-on or supplementary service offered by gyms and studios, we’ve put together 10 things to know about simulated altitude training rooms.
Understanding Simulated Altitude Training Rooms
What is simulated altitude?
The air that we breathe at sea level is roughly 79% Nitrogen 20.9% oxygen and a mix of smaller gasses. Fundamentally, simulated altitude training (SAT) involves reducing the amount of oxygen in the room to mimic the terrestrial altitude environment.
Do people respond differently to simulated altitude training environments?
Individuals should undertake a passive exposure test followed by an active altitude tolerance test that involves an incremental exercise regime to determine an individuals response to a simulated altitude training environment.
What level of oxygen does a simulated altitude room provide?
Most simulated altitude training chambers are generally set between 2500m to 3500m (approximately 15% to 13% oxygen) to enable good results in a safe environment. Some SAT chambers are designed to simulate very high altitudes of >5500m.
How do you measure your blood oxygen when training in a SAT environment?
You should always have access to a pulse oximeter (a non-invasive device placed on your finger that measures oxygen saturation in your blood and heart rate in BPM) whilst training in an altitude room.

Are there any precautions to know when training at altitude?
Excess exposure to training at altitude can weaken a person’s immune system, so it is important for the body to have proper nutrition whilst training at altitude is part of your overall exercise regime.
Is simulated altitude training good for rehabilitation and recovery?
Given the exercise limitations of an individual in a rehab state, a simulated altitude training environment allows for the maintenance of cardiovascular fitness with lower musculo-skelatal load, speeding up the recovery process after injury.
Why is altitude training beneficial for cardiovascular fitness?
A lack of oxygen (hypoxia) elicits an immediate response of increased heart rate and respiratory rate. The stress of hypoxia stimulates the body to be more efficient in using oxygen and providing energy to active muscles, improving aerobic conditioning.
What does it feel like working out in a simluated altitude environment?
With less oxygen available in a simulated altitude training environment, you are unlikely to be able maintain the same level of exercise ‘intensity’ than you would normally achieve if training at sea level.

Whare are the main benefits of training at altitude?
Improved fat loss and improved cardiovascular health is a known major benefit with training at altitude with studies also showing a decrease in insulin resistance even after a three week stay at 1,700m above sea level.
Improved insulin and glucose sensitivity for weight management and body composition is a benefit for many who participate in altitude training.
How do your add an altitude room an existing gym or studio?
Thinking about altitude training for your gym or studio? Talk to the guys who can make it happen and get in before your competition does.
Simulated Altitude Training (SAT) Instructor courses are available through Fitness Science Australia. This foundations course includes an overview of the history of SAT, terminology, physiological adaptations to SAT in response to a variety of training conditions, client screening and assessment, SAT progression, integration and periodisation and workout structure and session planning.
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