STYKU Replaces Calipers With A Complete 3D Body Scanning Experience

Styku captures millions of data points in a matter of seconds using an automatic turntable that rotates 360 degrees to capture the full body in a fast, non-invasive and harmless process.

Visualise fitness in 3D

Styku enables you to capture your gym members, athletes, and more in 3D, so you can evaluate their full body shape and body composition in great detail, as well as track their progress with a trainer, coach or physical therapist.

Measurement extraction

Once a model is created, Styku’s advanced feature recognition technology automatically finds detailed landmarks on the body, such as:

  • Waist
  • Hip
  • Chest
  • Leg
  • Arm and hundreds of other body measurements.

This data is then used to extract circumferences, volume and surface areas, which can then be used  to measure body fat directly from your waist, hip, and other girth measurements.

Body composition analysis 

Styku uses known circumference methods (e.g. US Navy method and more) to measure body fat directly from your waist, hip, and other girth measurements. No need to schedule hydrostatic weighing or a DXA scan, Styku Fat% is a precise and reliable way to calculate fat-free and fat mass.

Determine body compostion and lean versus fat mass every time you scan.

Evaluate risks and set personalised goals

Use the Styku Fat% to determine risks compared to others within your clients gender and age group.

Use the slider to determine how much fat your client would like to lose. Set a burn rate/ activity level and target date. Using basic energy balance, Styku reveals a user’s needed Caloric deficit to reach their goal.

Set fat loss goals for body fat % and fitness level, then track the progress across multiple scans.

Reach your goal in a specified amount of time by setting the amount of weight per week you would like to lose.

Styku scanner hardware

Scanning someone is simple. Simply stand on the turntable and hold still for 30 seconds, while the platform spins. With its razor sharp high resolution infrared images, Styku captures millions of data points in a matter of seconds in a fast, non-invasive and harmless process.

Styku assembles a 3D model from over 600 infrared images taken in seconds. The 3D model can be rotated, panned, and zoomed to evaluate each body part in great detail.

Styku hardware is portable, lightweight and simple to install.

To find out more watch the video below or contact EYE Fitness.




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