Gym Wildlife

If you are someone who loves wildlife documentaries, you might want to watch the latest “wildlife” documentary making the rounds. It focuses on the homo sapien variety of wildlife — in particular, those who inhabit your gyms.

“Gym Wildlife” is a video posted on the Buff Dudes Channel on YouTube on Dec. 28, 2015. As of Tuesday night, it had over 17 million views. So if you haven’t already seen this video, you are an endangered species.

The six-minute video is shot in the style of a National Geographic wildlife special, complete with a deep, overdramatic voiceover on steroids. It pokes fun at almost every gym-goer stereotype you can think of. It takes these stereotypes to the extreme for the sake of humor, so if you are uber PC, this video may not be for you. And if you don’t like gratuitous shots of cleavage and groins, then be forewarned.

Stick around ’til the last 45 seconds of the video to find your own breed mentioned: the “human cleaners” who are compared to pilot fish surrounding the shark species.

So watch this video before you become extinct. (And check out the video about the making of the video.)

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